Revenues & Earnings status

On the Earnings page, you can get an overview of all your revenues, from pending to cleared. You can also withdraw your available funds. For more information, see Terms of withdrawing earnings

To view your revenues:

Once logged in, click Earnings.

You will see the following:

  • All Earnings: 
    The total amount of money you earned. This summarizes active, pending, cleared, and delivered orders.        
  • Withdrawn: 
    The total amount of money you have withdrawn, to date.
  • Pending Earnings: 
    The total amount of money you are set to receive after the 45-day clearing period.
  • Available for Withdrawal: 
    The total amount of money available for withdrawal.
  •  Canceled Earning:
    The total amount of money that has been refunded .

Note: Since there is a 45-day waiting period for funds to clear, some of your funds will carry over to the next month.