Artigram gift image terms of use

Artigram gift image terms of use

By downloading or using any Artigram image gift (‘The gift images’), you agree that you have read and accepted the terms of this Artigram License Agreement (‘License’). Please note that all terms not otherwise defined in this license are set out in the Artigram Terms of Use.

We grant you an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the gift as described below.

What can I do?

  1. You can use the gift images for a commercial purpose, Sell the End Product, and make any number of copies of the Products via the Artigram platform only.
  2. You can make any number of End Products based upon the image gift and Customized Product for sale via the Artigram platform only.

What can’t I do?

  1. You can’t make available the gift images available through any third-party application or service to end-users on an “on-demand”, stock or inventory, “made to order” or “build it yourself” basis other than Artigram.