Why is aspect-ratio important?

Images are automatically matched with products according to their aspect ratio. 

Wait... what? An aspect-ratio? What is this?

An image's aspect ratio is the ratio between its length and its height.
A "landscape" style image is an image whose length is longer than its height, and a "portrait" style image is an image whose height is longer than its length.

Why is it important?

Because if we try to place a landscape style image on a portrait style product (such as a phone case, for example), the image will not appear on the product correctly, as seen in the next illustration:

The good news is that you don't need to worry about matching images with products, as Artigram does this for you, automatically, based on the aspect-ratio of the images you upload. For the best quality products, we strongly recommend uploading images with the following width to height aspect-ratios (or as close as you can get): Square 1:1, Landscape 3:2, Portrait 2:3. You can upload images with any aspect-ratio but the closer the ratio is to the aforementioned ratios, the better the product will look. Artigram does not take responsibility for images that are lower quality because of their aspect-ratios. 

For more information we recommend reading "How do I create products with Artigram?"